
Year 5 - Adams Class - Mrs Hawker

Welcome to Adams Class! 

Mrs Hawker is the class teacher.

We have 26 children in our class. 

Autumn Term 

Topic: Romans and Anglo Saxons 

This term’s topic is a history unit which delves into Roman life in Britain and how life changed as the Anglo Saxons took over Britain. Our final destination is to make an Anglo-Saxon tunic, so we’ll be putting our DT skills to the test! Our question is ‘What was life like in Britain under the Romans?’ In science we’ll be learning about the human life cycle and in R.E we’ll be thinking about how Christians believe God is loving and holy. 

Times Tables 
Children should be learning their times tables as all children are expected to know each multiplication table (up to 12 x 12) by heart by the time they reach secondary school. We kindly ask that all children practise their times tables regularly at home. If your child needs their Times Tables Rockstars logins to help them practise, please just ask. 
We also ask that all children read regularly. We suggest a minimum of 15 minutes per night. Reading and discussing books each night will help your children to develop the higher order reading skills of comprehension and will help to move their reading forward. Children will then take quizzes using our RENN reading scheme in school in which we will count the total number of words your child has read and reward them with a certificate in celebration assembly – will you become a word millionaire? 

Children will engage in PE sessions twice weekly. Some of these sessions will take place in our outdoor environment. Please ensure PE kits are worn on Mondays and Thursdays;– please make sure earrings are removed or can be removed before taking part.  

Your child will be given homework on a Friday. They will need to complete your homework and put it in the homework box the following Thursday, meaning they will have plenty of time to complete it. It is expected that homework will be completed weekly. 

Each week they will need to: 

  •               Practise their 10 spellings, which will be tested each Friday. (These will be stuck into their book) 

  •               Log in to Times Tables Rockstars and play for at least 10 minutes 

  •               Read their reading book or a few chapters if it is a very long book. 

  •               Either complete a reading comprehension or a maths activity linked to what we have been learning about in class. (These will be stuck into their book) 

Walking home 
Children in year 5 can now walk home from school. Whilst we would prefer that children are dropped and picked up from school by an adult where possible, we appreciate that due to working patterns for some parents that this may not be possible. If working circumstances prevent you from dropping and picking up your child, please ensure that your child understands that they must leave the school premises promptly at the end of the day and go straight home. We have shared this important message with all the Upper Key Stage 2 children in school and ask that this is reinforced on a regular basis at home. 

If you would like your child to start walking home from school, please see the office for a walking home consent form. This will need to be signed even if your child leaves the class teacher to walk to meet a sibling/carer/meet a parent at the back gate or car park and your child will not be able to walk home interpedently without your written permission. 

Week Commencing 25th September
Year 5 had a practical maths session to consolidate their place value learning. They used place value arrows to create and partition numbers up to hundred thousands.