
Year 1 - Price Class

Welcome to Bolt Class!

 Mrs Jessica Tremayne - Class Teacher

 We have 19 children in our class.

 The class is supported by: Mrs Williams

Autumn Term

Topic: Amazing Me!
This term’s topic is Amazing Me! Children will link all areas of their curriculum studies to this history-based topic. We will be exploring our families and investigating our bodies. As part of this topic, we are going to make sculptures of our bodies in Art and make a healthy fruit salad in DT.

Number bonds
Children should be accessing Numbots regularly to support their understanding of numbers up to 20. This includes counting forwards, backwards and adding and subtracting numbers within 20. From this, children will start to see patterns in numbers and begin to count in twos, fives and tens.

We also ask that all children read regularly. We suggest a minimum of 15 minutes per night. Reading and discussing books each night will help your children to develop the higher order reading skills of comprehension and will help to move their reading forward. Children will receive a certificate to celebrate reading.

Children will engage in PE sessions twice weekly on a Monday and a Tuesday. One of sessions will take place in our outdoor environment. Children can wear their PE kits to school. This should include blue/black bottoms, a white t-shirt and a school jumper.