
Year 2 - Everson Class - Mrs Wallace

Welcome to Everson Class

Mrs Laura Wallace - Class Teacher

Mrs Julie Collier - Tuesdays

We have 28 children in our class.

The class is supported by: Mrs Turner and Mrs Williams and Mrs BK

Autumn Term

Topic: Our Great Britain.

This term’s topic is based around Our Great Britain, with a focus on the history of monarchy. Children will link all areas of their curriculum studies to this history-based topic. We will be exploring the gun powder plot and creating poems about kings and queens. As part of this topic, we will also be exploring animal and plant habitats in Great Britain and using our local area to investigate.

This term, children will be focusing on Place Value and Addition and Subtraction. You will notice that on a Friday, your child will bring home a consolidation task from our weekly learning. Your child has access to Numbots and also Times Tabe Rockstars, where they can begin to practice their 2x, 5x and 10x tables.

We also ask that all children read regularly. We suggest a minimum of 15 minutes per night. Reading and discussing books each night will help your children to develop the higher order reading skills of comprehension and will help to move their reading forward. As your child moves off RWI, they will begin to bring AR books home which is based upon their reading assessment. These books will be quizzed after they have been completed and a new book selected.

Children will engage in PE sessions twice weekly. Some of these sessions will take place in our outdoor environment. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children now come to school in their PE kit on PE days, however, please can you also ensure that any earrings are removed, and long hair is tied back. Thank you.